Time's up. Back to work. This is how I feel about that.
A ride to Randall's Island with Chris on a nice day. Played some mini-golf, drank some beers, a nice time was had by all. I wasn't sure about this one, it's about 20 exposures of Jersey from the West Side bike path.
All in camera. I finally tried blocking half the lens, taking a photo, and then blocking the opposite half and taking a second photo. The first three are that technique.
I got this camera in North Carolina for $10 at a Goodwill. It's basically the color and black and white version of the Big Swinger, which just shoots B and W. After thinking it didn't work, I changed the batteries and got back some extremely vibrant colors. I have a new favorite camera, post it on your blogs please. Anna in the studio. The Standard Hotel. I love this building.